Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Winners Are....

Congratulations Mike and Theresa for wining this month's drawing!

Remember to put your name on a raffle ticket when you come to class to enter your chance to win any one of these prizes:

Peanut Butter "Larabar"

I have been playing around in the kitchen again, and this time I came up with a peanut butter "Larabar". I can foresee myself playing around with a whole bunch of other flavors!! It is really super easy to make, and only very very few ingredients. I made some oatmeal raisin "Larabars" here and I had used raisins instead of dates, and let me just say that I think I will be buying dates in bulk from now on. I am not too terribly fond of my food being too sweet, and the raisins had made it a little too sweet for me. The dates provided a very nice balance of sweetness that I really enjoyed.
So how did I make them?


  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 1/2 cup unsalted peanuts
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (I used creamy but you can use chunky if you'd like)
now throw it all into your handy dandy food processor (I am so glad I received my heavy duty Kitchen Aid food processor for Christmas a few years ago! I seriously thought I would never use it and it has been sitting in my cupboard for years) and process it until it's all mixed up and it pulls into a ball.

Take it out and shape it into the shape you want. This recipe made 7 rectangle bars.

Keep in the fridge or freeze, although it keeps outside of the fridge too. And enjoy!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Important Class Schedule UPDATE!!

The Zumba class on Thursday has been CHANGED for the month of AUGUST!! Class will start at 6pm!!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Zumba Sentao Coming Winter 2012!!

 Get excited to learn some explosive chair-based choreography that will strengthen, balance and stabilize the core, and step up cardio work in a whole new way. Learn to use a chair and your own body weight to enhance muscle strength, improve definition and endurance, and tone your physique!

I am super excited to say that Zumba Sentao will be coming to our classes Winter 2012!! I will be getting licenced in October so get ready to grab a char and rock our class!

Oatmeal Raisin "Larabars"

While looking through blogs for dairy free/egg free recipes I came upon Chocolate Ccovered Katie, she does a lot of vegan desert recipes, which I've been dying to find good recipes of!! And while looking through her site I found a recipe for her version of oatmeal raisin "Larabars" so of course I had to make them (not to mention I was out of my normal energy bars and I was too lazy to drive to the store to buy some). I didn't have everything that I needed but that was OK because I just switched it out for something similar and you know what It was yummy! Don't be afraid to experiment with flavors, I know I am definitely going to be experimenting with different flavors!

Oatmeal Raisin "Larabars"
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 6 tablespoons quick oats
  • 1/2 cup walnuts (I used pecans)
  • 1/8 teaspoon plus 1/16 teaspoon salt (I omitted the salt)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon honey/agave syrup (optional, I added this to make it sweeter)

Pulverize the oats in a food processor, then I measured and mixed the honey, vanilla, raisins, and nuts into my bowl and spooned it into the processor. After it was all well mixed and sticky I spooned it into my measuring cup to make a cylindrical shape (you can just form them into balls or any shape you want!) and I smash it in tight in my measuring cup.

Then I push up on my measuring cup and with a knife I cut my cylinder into little pucks the thickness I wanted.

This recipe makes about 3 bars/rounds. The bars last at least two weeks in the fridge, and they can also be frozen.

Monday, July 23, 2012

DHS Cultural Day Celebration

On Saturday the Folkloric Dance Team was asked to perform at a local park in a neighboring town and they were great! Here are some pictures of the performance.
The kids danced :

   Folkloric Dances from Mexico
  • Las Chiapanecas (Chiapas)
  • La Raspa (Jalisco)
  • La Pelea de Gallos (Aguascalientes)
  • La Morena (Veracruz)
   Folkloric/Traditional Dances from El Salvador
  • El Sombrero Azul (Folkloric)
  • Las Comaleras (Traditional)
Group Shot

La Pelea de Gallos

La Morena

El Sombrero Azul

Las Comaleras

Friday, July 20, 2012


Welcome to Karina Feigner Studios! This blog is where you can keep up to date with all of my classes, events, and everything else!