Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Peanut Butter "Larabar"

I have been playing around in the kitchen again, and this time I came up with a peanut butter "Larabar". I can foresee myself playing around with a whole bunch of other flavors!! It is really super easy to make, and only very very few ingredients. I made some oatmeal raisin "Larabars" here and I had used raisins instead of dates, and let me just say that I think I will be buying dates in bulk from now on. I am not too terribly fond of my food being too sweet, and the raisins had made it a little too sweet for me. The dates provided a very nice balance of sweetness that I really enjoyed.
So how did I make them?


  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 1/2 cup unsalted peanuts
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (I used creamy but you can use chunky if you'd like)
now throw it all into your handy dandy food processor (I am so glad I received my heavy duty Kitchen Aid food processor for Christmas a few years ago! I seriously thought I would never use it and it has been sitting in my cupboard for years) and process it until it's all mixed up and it pulls into a ball.

Take it out and shape it into the shape you want. This recipe made 7 rectangle bars.

Keep in the fridge or freeze, although it keeps outside of the fridge too. And enjoy!

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