Folkloric Dance Team

What is La Luna Folkloric Dance Team about?

Our dance team is run completely on volunteers and donations from our community, with the sole purpose of sharing with the public about the different cultures from Mexico and El Salvador through folkloric and traditional dance.

Why through dance? Well because not everyone might speak the same language, but everyone can relate to something through dance.

Our folkloric dance team is open to kids of all ages, we currently have students in fourth grade all the way through high school (and even a few that have alrady graduated).

Folkloric Mexican dances by region

  •    Las Chiapanecas,

  •    La Raspa -

  •    La Culebra -

  •    La Pelea de Gallos

   Veracruz is home to fishermen and of the oldest and most important port in Mexico, making the sea very important in the way of life; and that is reflected in their dances (such as in La Morena).  Their music is made up of a mixture of Spanish music influenced by African and Caribbean rhythms. This lively music is played on a harp, jarana (small guitar), and requinto (small rhythm guitar). Its dances, Sones and Jarabes are made up of very intricate footwork known as "zapateado" with flamenco characteristics. The complex footwork is the emphasis in the fast paced Veracruz dances. Traditionally the women wear beautiful long white lace dresses with a black apron and white lace shawl over their shoulders.

  • La Morena

  •    La Danza de Los Viejitos -

Folkloric dances from El Salvador

  • El Sombrero Azul

Traditional Dances from El Salvador

  • Las Comaleras

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