Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dairy-Free Fruit Popsicles

I am not sure what has gotten into me lately, but I have been on a roll branching out and using new recipes. Maybe it's the heat that is putting me in such an adventurous mood. So while I was cleaning out the cupboard (apart from being in an adventurous mood in the kitchen, I've been in an organizing frenzy in the kitchen too) I came across our Popsicle molds that we bought a long time ago and never really used them. So I went online and looked for a recipe for dairy free fruit Popsicles and came across this recipe. But since I didn't have carrots or almond butter, I decided to use what I had on hand. Can you believe it only took 3 ingredients!?
   And the end result was Delicious! Even the Hubby loved them! If you are worried about it tasting like coconut, don't worry it doesn't really taste like anything but creamy goodness. Even the Hubby couldn't tell it was coconut milk, and he HATES anything with coconut in it, he literally won't touch anything that has coconut in it, until now!
So this is what I did:

  • 1 can of unsweetened coconut milk (look for it at your local health food store OR at your local supermarket in the Asian food isle, usually on the bottom shelf)
  • honey or any other sweetener to taste
  • fresh or frozen fruit

This is the kind of coconut milk I used. I didn't have any fresh fruit on hand so I used some frozen fruit that I hand.

Open your can of coconut milk and using a spatula put it in a bowl. Don't worry it's supposed to be separated.

Using a whisk mix it together only until it is fully mixed, don't over mix otherwise you will end up with whipped cream. At this time add your sweetener. Keep adding according to your taste. Then add however much fruit you want.

I added some fruit into the empty container before I poured the mixture into the container. I used a ladle to spoon it in. Beware this can get messy, or at least for me it was.

I love the swirls it created! Now place in your freezer for 30 minutes before you stick your Popsicle stick in. Now just wait a few hours until they are all frozen. To get them out of the molds just run warm water over the molds for a few seconds and then you are set to eat!

And the end result is a deliciously creamy treat that has absolutely NO DAIRY and is super easy to make!

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